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Is it better to retrofit an x-ray room or install a new one?

Written by Jennifer Hutchison | May 2, 2022 6:05:00 PM

When it comes to x-ray rooms, there are two main options: installing a new room or retrofitting an existing one. The decision of which route to take can be difficult, as there are pros and cons to both approaches.

Ultimately, there are many variables that go into the decision, and it's not always clear which is the best option for your facility. In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of installing a new x-ray room so you can make an informed choice about what to do with your facilities.

New x-ray room pros

Installing a new x-ray room offers the advantage of being able to customize the space to meet the specific needs of the practice or hospital. It's possible to have the x-ray room custom designed for your facility. This could mean you're able to locate it in an area that is more convenient, improve access or increase efficiency by adding specific features like space and/or special equipment storage.

If you need help creating an equipment room drawing to see how your new x-ray room could look, please reach out. Our team is more than happy to assist you.

New x-ray room cons

The downside of a new x-ray room is the cost. Installing a new x-ray room is a significant investment. Additionally, the new build option may take longer than a retrofit. However, there's also an opportunity for additional features that would not have been possible before such as space or equipment storage. When considering all these factors together, choosing whether or not to install a new or retrofitted x-ray room will likely come down to a decision based on budget and space.

Retrofitting an existing x-ray room

Retrofitting an existing x-ray room can often be cheaper because they don't need to incur the same installation costs. Although of course it will depend on what is being done to the x-ray room during the process.

When you retrofit an x-ray system, you're essentially giving it a new lease on life. The process of retrofitting involves replacing the system's existing components with newer, more technologically advanced ones. In addition, retrofitting can also help to improve the quality of images produced by the system. This can breathe new life into an older x-ray system, making it more efficient and productive.

Retrofitting an x-ray system is a great way to get the most out of your investment for the long term. Retrofitting will enable you to have the latest in x-ray technology, which will result in better image quality for your patients. Retrofitting an x-ray system is also more affordable than buying a new digital x-ray system outright, so you can get the benefits of the latest technology without breaking the bank.

Upgrading an existing x-ray system

Customers may have an existing x-ray system which is producing bad images or not getting high quality images on larger patients. Instead of buying new and replacing the whole x-ray system, it might only need certain parts replaced to make it perform better.

In many cases the structure of the x-ray system is in good condition, and by replacing the tube, cables and generator you can supercharge your x-ray system for a fraction of the cost of purchasing all new. If you add a new DR panel, then you can have a complete digital x-ray system.

These types of situations will require some investigation to determine what parts would need to be replaced, so if you find yourself in this scenario please reach out to our team and we can learn more about your x-ray system and provide advice on what the best options are.


Retrofitting an x-ray system is one way that we can improve patient care. This process can lead to faster, more convenient image access and can help physicians enhance patient care. In addition, retrofitting a x-ray system can help to reduce costs associated with traditional film-based systems.

Do you plan to use retrofits as part of your overall transition to digital x-ray systems? If so, we would love to hear from you.